2 min readDec 31, 2021


Greetings, NEXTers!

We’re excited to announce the release of NEXTnodes protocol, which aims to provide users with higher incentive yields across several chains.

Users can expect high, continuous, passive, and consistent yields from NEXTnodes.

We are an open community dedicated to adding value through transparent protocols with no hierarchy or exclusivity. It’s a free community to join, and by purchasing NEXTnodes from our website, you’ll get access to unrivaled yields. You’ll need 10 NEXT tokens to purchase 1 NEXT node and begin earning passive, long-term revenue. After that, each NEXT node generates 0.7 NEXT tokens per day.

To Launch this project, we are starting with a discount on first 1000 nodes, for these, you will require 7 NEXT tokens to create 1 node. Amazing right?

The NEXTnode team is prepared to slash the price per node considerably in order to keep the protocol accessible and sustainable if the price goes up, as a result, the Avax Network will host NEXTnodes.

The Avax network has the best design and infrastructure for Avax’s core aim.

It generates a landscape with low transaction costs, high speed, and a chain that is far more dependable for a system like ours because it is less subject to rapid changes in functionality (such as Binance Smart Chain).

The Avax chain is likewise a new territory for high-yield DeFi protocols, but it has a lot of potential. As a result, we expect that by releasing NEXT on Avax, we will be able to access high yield protocols as soon as they are introduced, allowing us to communicate with them directly on their home chain, reducing cross-chain costs. While we adore Avax, the long-term plan of NEXTnodes is working on a number of blockchains, including as Ethereum, Binance Smart, and others, work with high-yield protocols.

A list of all protocols with which we want to interact will be published soon.

Welcome to the future of DaaS!🚀

